
Additions 22 February 2024, 28 February 2024

Special announcements and technical things

By Thomas (2000 Underground Music)

Special day for us, the article that we co-wrote with Mikkel Andersen called Email Exchange About Radio, and House and Techno in San Francisco in the 1990s on the 2 January 2024. We have kindly been given a reuse license on, by Mikkel… so I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to us, how important it is, and we even shed a tear, yes that is right. Let me explain.

So often people do not get credited, or websites go down, or the people who actually made and wrote the content, gets lost and is not clear. It is okay (sort of), if you just want to use it for its original purpose. However, if you want to look after it, or publish it in a book, or elsewhere, things get a lot more difficult. The reuse license means that we can now reuse it as we need to, look after it and do something really cool with it in the future. It is not about buying or owning the content, but a very pleasing partnership, that will allow us to protect the content and do really cool things with it. And all legit (legal) and ready to go.

So there it is, our 1st amazing content that we have a signed reuse license on, and I cannot tell you how happy it makes us feel!!! We cannot stress just how amazing this is. When we listened to our 1st mix in the year 2000, in 2024… we never thought we would be doing this. So, yeah… super stoked [amazed].

We have 2 other bits of content, that we are also trying to get a reuse license on, but with 101 things to do, we have not quite finalised it. Maybe in 5 or 10 years’ time, we will publish a really special website or printed book, and do something really cool. We will also pay a percentage of sales, back to the authors from the sales of the thing (whatever that might be).

So we are really happy!

I asked Mikkel Andersen if he had any old mixes of anyone else, or he had done himself, that had never seen the light of day, that we could repost. And he sent us this 1, enjoy.

News section redesign v2

Our News section (this section), we quite liked the original 1 (all articles on 1 page), but it was really long and would make smartphones slow and sluggish, so we have done a redesign and think we have something okay. Users have to click a bit more, but it is okay for now. Not 100% pleased with it, but nearly there, we will make a few other small changes soon. We are trying to achieve a really easy continuous reading experience, that is not disturbed or broken, because of endless clicking. We are sort of there, but will revisit it again in a few weeks.

Website database

Still no real easy solution yet, but we think we have something, but need a lot of time to trial and test it, to see if it works.

Information checking and accuracy

We have also been reviewing and testing our own work and information, nearly there with it, but we have spotted a few errors here and there. We are quite into accurate, good and precise information, but realise it is quite a difficult task with a website like this, and with information subject to change.

Website working on a smartphone

We have done quite a bit in this area, still a bit to do, but better than before.

Search option on this website

We have had some Google indexing problems, due to a redirect issue (but as they do not tell us much about the problem, it is slightly hard to know exactly what it is, and how to fix it). We have tried a few things but still have to wait until Google indexes all of our webpages, for the search option to work. Hopefully soon..?

Trailing slash on URLs and folders

We are also trying to get rid of the trailing slash on URLs and folders, it does not hurt SEO [search engine optimisation], but is rather difficult to do. Solutions and methods in pervious years, now do not work, and we are unable to do it ourselves in the .htaccess. So we now need expert help at some stage. The cleaner URLs, just makes things slightly easier all round. SoundCloud can you help us? Any of their engineers, techies or website coders reading?

Shows a country road to the left, then the 180 degrees mirror with orange outside border, that is domed on the front, that then shows the road opposite that morphs the real road, and the reflection in the mirror.

Photograph into a 180° degrees road junction mirror, Leicester, United Kingdom. Taken on a Nokia 8210 4G mobile phone (not a very good camera… but the best I had).

Photograph by Thomas (2000 Underground Music) (14 February 2024). © Thomas, 2000 Underground Music.

Article publishing and further details

We love to publish good:

  • Articles.
  • Email exchanges.
  • Expert knowledge.
  • Lists.
  • Photo documentaries.
  • Reviews.

How we can help

We work directly with you on editing, proofreading, image editing and formatting, graphic communication design, and improving the content.


Articles are kept on this website for a long time, 10+ years, in a consistent place, and for as long as the website is online, so they have a good home.


We do not currently pay for content, due to lack of cash, overheads and running costs, but can certainly link to you. We need to think about how we can do this in the future.

Authors retain the copyright, or joint copyright if there is more than 1 author of the article. We ask for a reuse license.

Copyright for reusing content

Any images used will be copyright of the stated maker or photographer.

For text content, you are allowed to reuse and quote, about 500 words of an article for free without permission. But you must always credit the article title, URL, authors and our website name. If you wish to reuse and quote any more than 500 words, you need to pay a small 1-off reuse fee, contact us. The fee then goes to the authors.

[Text in square brackets]

We describe and expand abbreviations and other terms, that would not be commonly understood inside square brackets [ ], so the text can be more widely understood. They act like a higher‑level outside voice.

Faulty content or if you are not pleased

If you spot any errors, incorrect facts, or something you are not keen on or displeases you, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss it with you. We try to make the content as friendly and least offensive as possible, and also use inclusive language.

Ability to convert images or pixel PDFs into editable electronic text

We also have the skills to convert old printed articles, that have text as an image, into electronic editable text, the technical term is OCR (optical character reading) scanning, that converts text that is not editable or is as a pixel image, into electronic text, that is editable.

Contact us, or contact authors

Any issues contact us, and we can forward on any emails to authors, that is fine.

Thanks for reading!